- The music of Castlevania Resurrection it's possible to find thanks to at least 2 persons,
an anonymous person that isn't possible to find, and Mark Lindsey, the composer who made the
musics that are in the internet to these days.

- Originally, the musics were posted on the internet and nobody really knows how the musics were there,
according Greg Orduyan during a interview about the development game, he believes a employee during
the process of the sending the game to Konami Japan to get the development approved, robbed the disc
with the demo musics of multiple games, one of them being Resurrection. It seems there was musics from
other games because the tone of the musics were way different from the tone of Resurrection.

- With that, the last person is Mark Lindsey, the only composer who I could confirm that participated
in Bottom99 and worked in the Resurrection, Mark has all the musics he made for Resurrection in
SoundCloud for everyone to hear.

- That's the reason why I won't show the soundtrack in this site, if the creator of the music has the
music available for free, then it should be like that, also, the music is available on youtube thanks to
other people.

Soundcloud of Mark Lindsey: https://soundcloud.com/greyling/sets