Game Download:
[ENG] This Mediafire comes with the E3 Demo that was showed on youtube by a channel called "cvr exists" (thanks dude), NullDC with bios for pc (you guys have to configurate the controls since I use weirder ones because I play VF3tb) and GDI_Explorer (for those who want to extract stuff from the gdi/game). I hope everyone enjoys it (OH MY FUCKING GOD WE GOT THE BETA! LET'S FUCKING GO!) [PT] Este link de Mediafire vem com a Demo de E3 que foi mostrada no canal de youtube "cvr exists" (obrigado meu), NullDC com bios para pc (vocês terão de configurar os controlos pois eu uso outros para jogar VF3tb) e GDI_Explorer (para aqueles que quiserem extrair coisas do gdi/jogo). Espero que todos apreciem (NÓS CONSEGUIMOS A BETA CARALHO! BORA LÁ CARAALHOOOO!)